Saturday, March 21, 2015

Sterk's Choice

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Friday, July 11, 2014

Preview Chapter Two

The Treachery of the High Prince!

The High Prince of Aarde is upset. All he does is work, work, work for Aarde and what is his reward? His brother, the king, has had a son. Of all the terrible things to do to your brother! High Prince Sterk is determined to gain a kingdom of his own, even if it means a civil war.

Sterk launches an all out attack on the palace of his own family and kidnaps his nephew to use as ransom. In the process of the attack a bumbling wizard accidentally transfers magic powers to Sterk. Sterk, though he doesn't realize it yet, has become one of the most powerful beings in the world. The planet Aarde is in danger! Only now, after the attack from Sterk are people beginning to realize that it has been 999 years since the defeat of the Dark Lord Rykiz, who promised to return in exactly 1000 years. Rykiz also prophesied that other Dark Lords would prepare the way for his return.

An entire planet at risk, three continents, countless races and cultures. Who are the Dark Lords helping Rykiz and where are they? Anyone could be the next powerful henchman of the dreaded Rykiz and they could be anywhere. How do you protect an entire planet? How do you catch up with the powerful High Prince? Sometimes just one quest is not enough to save the world. The Treachery of the High Prince follows the storyline of those who pursue the High Prince across the Northwest Continent. A wizard with something to prove after he empowered the High Prince and a kid from Earth who has been brought to this strange world. Elsewhere Nigel the Watcher must decide whose side he's on. As a watcher he has always remained neutral. Now that his company has been taken over by a supporter of Rykiz he must decide whether or not he is going to support him or work against him.